Diverse Accomplices - Posthuman "Partners in Crime" with Olga Tokarczuk and Saša Stanišić
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multispecies ethnography

How to Cite

Heyer, M. (2022). Diverse Accomplices - Posthuman "Partners in Crime" with Olga Tokarczuk and Saša Stanišić. Studia Germanica Posnaniensia, (42), 235–251. https://doi.org/10.14746/sgp.2022.42.15


Post-anthropocentric tools are needed to think about relations between humans and more-than-human others. In order to meet the challenges of the interspecific entanglements and interdependencies of a postmodern world, alternative models of collectivity must be designed from scratch with heterogeneous actors in mind. In Saša Stanišićʾs narrative Fallensteller [Trapper] and Olga Tokarczukʾs novel Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead, human and more-than-human protagonists engage in extraordinary relationships with each other. These are analyzed here based on Gesa Ziemer’s theoretical work on complicities as ‘multispecies complicities’. This new perspective on more-than-human collaborations aims to go beyond literary studies to explore multispecies collectives.

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