Srebrna zawieszka z Truso – dama w długiej sukni czy kapłanka?

Słowa kluczowe

Viking period
Scandinavian mythology of the Viking time

Jak cytować

Jagodziński, M. F. (2020). Srebrna zawieszka z Truso – dama w długiej sukni czy kapłanka?. Slavia Antiqua. Rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim, (60), 255–258.


The article revolves around a silver pendant depicting a female figure, discovered in Janów Pomorski and identified with the town of Truso. Such miniature figures, popular in inventories of Scandinavian grave fields, have been largely discussed with respect to their significance and meaning. The author indicates two rather neglected (or disregarded) elements of these representations: a long ribbon and a long object held by hand while the elbow is bent. They may be evidence of the female figure’s exceptional status, most probably that of a priestess.


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