Płaszcz babiloński we fragmencie 791 Arystofanesa

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Oriental loanwords in Greek
Phrygian language
Akkadian language
old comedy

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Rosół, R. (2023). Płaszcz babiloński we fragmencie 791 Arystofanesa . Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 33(1), 351–357. https://doi.org/10.14746/sppgl.2023.XXXIII.1.24

Liczba wyświetleń: 82

Liczba pobrań: 64


In the Etymological Dictionary of Akkadian, recently published, the noun pampallu ‘a garment or a woollen cloth’ is accompanied by a short note: “Of interest is a Phrygian word for a ‘coat’ (and the genitals) transmitted by Hesychios: βάμβαλον· ἱμάτιον· καὶ τὸ αἰδοῖον. Φρύγες”. The paper presents some other relevant data, especially Aristophanes’ fragment 791, attested in the lexicon of Photius: βάμβαλον· ἱμάτιον Βαβυλώνιον. οὕτως Ἀριστοφάνης – “bambalon: a Babylonian coat. Aristophanes [says] so”. The final result of the study is that there are two homonyms: 1. βάμβαλον ‘a Babylonian-style warm coat’, and 2. βά(μ)βαλον ‘genitals’. The former is a Semitic borrowing connected with the Akkadian pampallu, the latter is probably Phrygian, but its etymology remains



Artykuł powstał w ramach realizacji grantu Narodowego Centrum Nauki pt. Leksykon wyrazów orientalnych w języku starogreckim, nr UMO-2020/39/B/HS2/00934.


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