Two new letters from Michael Boym, SJ in Europe (1656; 1658), and the editorial dossier of his various European works on China
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Michael Boym
Jesuit science in 17th c.
Jacob Golius
network Rome–Antwerp–Leiden– Amsterdam
Jesuit atlases from China


Golvers, N. (2019). Two new letters from Michael Boym, SJ in Europe (1656; 1658), and the editorial dossier of his various European works on China. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 29(1), 107–116.

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Golvers Noël, Two new letters from Michael Boym, SJ in Europe (1656; 1658), and the editorial dossier of his various European works on China (Dwa listy Michała Boyma SJ do Europy (1656; 1658) i edytorskie dossier jego rozmaitych prac powstałych w Europie na temat Chin).
Both items, now in Munich but originally from the library of Jacob Golius in The Hague, represent two so far unknown autograph letters of Michael Boym (1656; 1658). The contents reveal his initiatives to get his manuscripts (Atlas; Medicus Sinicus and a so far unknown title on moxibustion) printed. Both letters are also the first documents which shed a clear light on the network between Rome and the Amsterdam printer Blaeu, in which were involved Jacob Golius, his brother in Rome, the Carmelite Caelestinus a Sancta Lidwina, and the Antwerp hagiographers Bollandus and Henschenius; this was the same network as the one behind the printing process of Martini’s Novus Atlas Sinensis.
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Primary sources

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