Symboliczna topografia życia Edypa. Kilka uwag
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mental and physical blindness
life path

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Wesołowska, E. (2021). Symboliczna topografia życia Edypa. Kilka uwag. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 31(1), 341–346.

Liczba wyświetleń: 295

Liczba pobrań: 196


The author of Oedipus Rex manages to reconstruct the hero’s life path against the background of the map of Greece of his day. In doing so he constructs the imaginary of the protagonist’s identity, one that is inextricably linked to his mental blindness as opposed to the tragic, self-inflicted blindness meted out to himself as a punishment for his crimes.
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Primary sources

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Arystoteles. Poetyka. In Arystoteles, Dzieła wszystkie, Vol. 6. Ed., transl. H. Podbielski. 2001. Warszawa.

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