Funkcja bajki według antycznych teoretyków wymowy. Próba typologii

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ancient fable
rhetorical theory

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Pierzak, D. (2022). Funkcja bajki według antycznych teoretyków wymowy. Próba typologii. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 32(2), 43–65.

Liczba wyświetleń: 152

Liczba pobrań: 138


Unlike in modern times, fable did not constitute a separate literary genre in Antiquity. In the educational context, it counted among the preliminary exercises in composition. In rhetorical treatises par excellence, on the other hand, it is described as a figure of thought whereby an orator either draws a parallel between a fictional narrative and the case under discussion or seeks to entertain an inattentive audience. There is no firm evidence, however, that fable was ever employed in actual oratory in any of these functions.


Aelius Théon, Progymnasmata, texte établi et traduit par M. Patillon avec l'assistance, pour l'Arménien, de G. Bolognesi, Paris 1997 [= Patillon 1997].

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