En termes de travail: terminologie comparée grec-français à partir d’un corpus de l’administration publique
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comparable corpora
comparative terminology
administrative documents
social security

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Pantazara, M., Tziafa, E., & Christopoulou, A. (2023). En termes de travail: terminologie comparée grec-français à partir d’un corpus de l’administration publique. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 49(4), 103–124. https://doi.org/10.14746/strop.2022.494.007


This article presents a comparative study of French and Greek administrative language, as it is used by public administration institutions in their internal communication as well as in their external communi- cation with the citizens. In the present study, we employ a corpus-based contrastive approach, by using bilingual comparable corpora in the subject field of “employment”. First, we present our method concerning the compilation of the comparable corpora and the digital tools used for their processing analysis; and then, we proceed with the analysis of the textual data from a contrastive perspective. We aim to highlight the morphosyntactic, semantic, and pragmatic aspects that characterize the terms studied across the two languages.


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