Italian pronunciation for young Slovenian learners: What do dictionaries say about it?
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dictionaries for young learners
Slovenian learners

How to Cite

Grošelj, R. . (2020). Italian pronunciation for young Slovenian learners: What do dictionaries say about it?. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 47(2), 47–66.


The article deals with the representation of Italian pronunciation in five contemporary dictionaries for young Slovenian learners. As the use of a dictionary not only stimulates the development of lexical competence, but can also serve as a useful means for pronunciation learning, the article investigates five categories representing phonetic-phonological features in a dictionary: introduction to phonetics/phonology (e.g. a pronunciation guide), phonetic transcription, phonemes, consonant length and accent. The representation of these features in a dictionary for young learners should be clear and coherent, and in some cases a dictionary (especially a dictionary intended for the youngest users) should also feature
audio pronunciations. The five dictionaries analysed are fragmentary with regard to the pronunciation: only one dictionary includes audio recordings (although the relation between the spelling and the pronunciation remains unclear, as it does not include a pronunciation guide); two dictionaries include deficient phonological transcriptions and incomplete pronunciation guides; one dictionary contains only the Italian alphabet with corresponding phonemes, while another dictionary is without any elements that could familiarize a Slovenian learner with Italian pronunciation.
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