Verb-Noun Constructions in SFL learning
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Verb-Noun Constructions
SFL learning
Spanish articles
Holistic Approach to Learning

How to Cite

Pascual-López, X. . (2021). Verb-Noun Constructions in SFL learning. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 48(2), 87–96.


This paper proposes an approach to verb-noun constructions that allows them to be understood holistically, which facilitates the acquisition of their distinctive features (for example, the presence or absence of an article) and their effective correlation with certain communicative functions and situations. Therefore, their use will not only be lexically and grammatically appropriate, but the apprentices will be able to make use of them as a whole acquired and associated with a certain communicative situation or function. As a result, their fluency will gain naturalness and will be closer to native.
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