Multimodality of filmic message in the subtitling
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screen translation
audiovisual translation
technical limitations
filmic message

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Borowczyk, P. (2016). Multimodality of filmic message in the subtitling. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 43(1), 3–15.


Audiovisual programs are meant to be seen and heard simultaneously. Screen translators have to take the verbal, acoustic and visual elements of audiovisual works into consideration. However they translate only the verbal content of the message. In the following article we focus on one of the main modalities for audiovisual translation, namely the subtitling. Our aim is to describe the specificity of screen translation and to think about the impact of subtitling process on the final product, that is on translation. We will show how translators take advantage of the presence of the verbal (dialogues) and the visual (screen) codes with the aim of reducing an original text.
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