In this paper we analyze the different syntactic-functional characteristics of se. The form se has different uses in Spanish, which, by their variety and differences with respect to Polish and, since not all of these values are represented in the same way, may be a problem for Polish learners of Spanish as a foreign language. On the one hand, he is a personal unstressed pronoun belonging to the series me, te, se, nos, os, se, and as such it can function as direct or indirect object. Thus, we have a series of pronouns that vary according to the number and person in Spanish, and they are equivalent to two unique forms in Polish depending on their grammatical function. Furthermore, it can appear in sentences whose main characteristic is to represent processes and states as in the passive or impersonal sentences, and also we have a Polish non-existent structure such as the passive-reflexive sentence. The fact that this structure has no equivalent in Polish motivates some difficulties for Polish learners of Spanish as a foreign language. Moreover, such sentences are often ignored during learning, so that difficulties remain over time.References
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