Language and Culture: A Theoretical and Practical Classroom Suggestion for Closing the Gap
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Spanish as a foreign language
cultural elements
intercultural communicative competence

How to Cite

Silva, C. (2016). Language and Culture: A Theoretical and Practical Classroom Suggestion for Closing the Gap. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 43(3), 131–155.


In the present article we revise the concepts of culture and intercultural competence, include the five dimensions of the concept of culture proposed by Moran (2001) –products, practices, communities, persons, and perspectives- in Byram’s (1991) model, and apply the new model in the design of a class of Spanish as a foreign language. In the class described in this article we attempt to go beyond the concept of culture as mere content, and work with the concept of intercultural competence as social and cultural practices.
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