Publication ethics
To maintain the highest ethical standards the following procedure is in force:
- If plagiarism, ghost-writing, guest authorship or other types of misconduct are discovered, the paper is instantly rejected.
- The members of the Editorial Board, within their competences, support the authors and reviewers in exposing (potential) conflicts of interest, they are also obliged to take appropriate actions in case the ethical principles are violated.
- If bad publishing practices are discovered in the submitted text its author is notified of the situation with a request to provide explanation and withdraw the paper. Each case is treated very seriously and carefully examined. The author is always given the right to submit clarifications or revisions and publish apologies if necessary.
- In case of research misconduct the issue is also exposed to the institution(s) the author is affiliated with as well as to publishing houses and appropriate scientific societies.
- The publisher may withdraw the published work if it becomes apparent that the work violates accepted principles of published ethics or the presented results of research are unreliable.
- The author shall make every effort to ensure that the work submitted for publication does not contain any errors or inaccuracies. If the author notices serious mistakes or inconsistencies in the work submitted, he or she should immediately notify the editorial board and make any necessary corrections. If the work has already been published, the author is required to prepare his/her revision for the upcoming volume.
The guidelines have been prepared following the recommendations of COPE and Elsevier Publishing Company.
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia journal adheres to the ethical principles and procedures recommended by
„Studia Rossica Posnaniensia” does not tolerate plagiarism or any other forms of research misconduct. We take all necessary measures to ensure that all parties engaged in the review process maintain high ethical standards.
We carefully select our reviewers so that they are recognized experts in the field of the research they are going to evaluate, they are obliged to inform about any potential or actual conflict of interest.
Experts are not paid for preparing reviews at any stage of the process. The names of the reviewers are not revealed to the authors, the list of reviewers we cooperate with can be found at
There are no submission or any other processing fees attached (APC) to the publication of articles in “Studia Rossica Posnaniensia”.
If any manuscript is found to contain plagiarized material the review process will be halted immediately.
Peer Review Process
1. The Editor-in-Chief together with the Editorial Board perform the preliminary selection of the submitted papers, bearing in mind the formal requirements of Studia Rossica Posnaniensia journal, the quality of the papers, the thematic scope and the aims of a given issue.
2. Subject Editors in cooperation with the Editor-in-Chief propose the list of experts for reviewers. Two reviewers, who are specialists in the subject of the given volume of the journal, are appointed to review each paper. The appointed experts must not be affiliated with Adam Mickiewicz University. The Editorial Board makes efforts to ensure that one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution from a country that is different from the author’s home country. The Secretary sends a written invitation to experts selected as candidates for reviewers, inquiring whether they are willing to take on the review of papers within the time-period of 2 weeks. We wait 7 days for their response. If the selected experts refuse to review the papers within the proposed time-period, the procedure of selecting reviewers is repeated.
3. The reviews are prepared in accordance with the double-blind peer review model, which means that the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers and vice versa. The reviewers are required to inform the Editorial Board of the existence of a potential conflict of interest.
4. The Editor-in-Chief appoints Assistant Editors of subsequent volumes, who cooperate closely with the authors in the process of preparation of the final versions of the papers, after having completed the review stage – this particularly boils down to implementation of the reviewers’ comments. The Assistant Editors can be either members of the Editorial Board or persons appointed as guest editors who do not belong to the Editorial Board. The decisive criterion is their expertise in relation to the subject of the given volume.
5. The Secretary, before sending papers to the reviewers, is responsible for removing all information and data that allow the identification of the authors, i.e. their name and surname, affiliation, e-mail address, sources of financing research etc. The Secretary also coordinates the process of signing the necessary contracts and statements that ensure compliance with the publication ethics.
6. The reviewer’s form that contains criteria of manuscript evaluation is publicly available, it can be downloaded from the journal website in three language versions: Polish, Russian and English.
7. The names of the reviewers of individual papers are not disclosed; a list of reviewers who evaluated manuscripts submitted for publication is published on the journal website.
8. Each review is submitted in a written form and concludes with an unambiguous opinion regarding accepting the paper for publication or its rejection. In the case of one positive and one negative review, the Editorial Board after consulting the Advisory Board decides whether the paper should be sent to the third, deciding reviewer, or whether the paper should be rejected.
9. The Secretary informs the authors of the results of the evaluation of their papers and of the schedule concerning further actions aimed at publishing the volume. The author is given a time-period ranging from 2 to 4 weeks to correct the paper in accordance with the reviewer’s comments – it depends on the expected amount of work necessary for correcting the given paper. If some of the comments suggested by the reviewer are not accepted by the author, he or she is obliged to submit a written justification of his or her opinion. The Editorial Board, in particular the Assistant Editor of the volume, decides whether the author’s statement is acceptable or not.
10. The paper, having been approved by the Assistant Editor, is sent to the Language Editor, and then to the Editor-in-Chief, who performs the final verification of the paper and decides to forward the manuscripts accepted for publication to the Publisher.
11. The Publisher is responsible for the technical aspects of the editorial preparation of the journal volumes.
The authors’ responsibilities
The submission of the paper is tied to the obligation of signing the author’s contract (click the link to download the author’s contract), in which the authors make a statement about their own original contribution to the process of creating the paper. In the case of publications written by more than one author, each of the authors is required to determine the degree of their contribution to the paper and give consent to its publication by signing the above-mentioned author’s contract. These actions are aimed at eliminating ghost-writing and guest authorship practices described above, as well as at preventing plagiarism.
If the submitted paper contains illustrations, engravings or photos, the author is responsible for obtaining permission for their reprint or publication from the creators of the above-mentioned materials. This is also applicable to websites from which the materials may originate. In any case, it is obligatory to provide the source of the material.
By signing the contract, the author declares that the submitted manuscript has not been previously published either in Poland or abroad. The author is obliged to prepare the paper in accordance with the formal and substantive requirements contained on the website, to implement the comments of the reviewers into the final version of the paper, as well as to cooperate closely and timely with the Assistant Editor and Secretary. The author also agrees to verify the final paper proof sent by the Publisher after the process of editing and typesetting is finished (the author’s correction).
The Editorial Board’s responsibilities
By accepting the submission of a manuscript, the Editorial Board undertakes measures to make a timely decision on sending the paper to reviewers and notifying the author about the subsequent stages of the publishing process, both in the case of accepting and rejecting the paper.
The Editorial Board adheres to the rules of confidentiality and integrity described on the journal website. The papers are made available in the journal under the Creative Commons license.
The reviewers’ responsibilities
By undertaking the review of the paper, the reviewers agree to respect the deadlines of the review submission, to maintain the confidentiality of the contents of the review, as well as to remain objective and honest during its preparation. The reviewers cooperate with the Editorial Board to eliminate unethical publishing practices. You can find more information on the reviewing process by opening this webpage.
Conflict of interest
All parties involved in the publishing process: authors, reviewers and the Editorial Board, are obliged to inform the Editor-in-Chief of a potential or actual conflict of interest, i.e. financial or personal dependence on other persons or organizations. This relationship applies to situations of exerting an impact on the reliability and objectivity of the assessment of the papers.