The aim of the article is to identify the main elements of the ‟Gospel of life” according to St. John Paul II’s teaching. The Pope built the concept of the Gospel of life as a consistent response to the escalation of the culture of death. It is expressed in its deepest layer in anti-theism that leads to anti-humanism. It also means an anthropological error, breaking the creative relationship of freedom and truth. The consequence of these views is the fi ght against life. In response to this program of devastation of the human life, St. John Paul II proposed in place of anti-theism the proclamation of the ‟Gospel of the love of God to man,” which in turn allows the proclamation of the ‟Gospel of dignity (of the human person), which points not to todays varied category of quality of human life but to the undeniable value of life. In this way, the ‟Gospel of life” can be built, the proclamation of which is the priority of the mission of the Church.References
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