The aim of the article is to analyze the extent, to which the participation of students in learning mobility projects on the example of the Erasmus+ programme influences the improvement of their individual skills desired from the perspective of the labour market. The text begins with an introduction that outlines the background to the considerations undertaken. Next, the historical context of learning mobility in Europe and the process of internationalization of universities are presented as one of the consequences of the globalizing labour market. In the following part of the article we characterized the best known European programme promoting academic mobility Erasmus+. The end of the article contains a review of the research on the competences of beneficiaries of learning mobility projects, supported by statistical data, and an attempt to draw a link between participation in student exchange and the chances of finding a satisfactory employment after graduation. The analysis shows that graduates with foreign mobility experience develop a number of characteristics and skills, that increase their employability and career opportunities.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2021 Magdalena Zapotoczna

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