Prof. Aleksander Birkenmajer as a director of the University Library in Poznań in the years 1939–1947
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Aleksander Birkenmajer
University Library in Poznań

How to Cite

Głowacka-Helak, M. (2017). Prof. Aleksander Birkenmajer as a director of the University Library in Poznań in the years 1939–1947. Biblioteka, (21(30), 87–100.

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This article presents the pre-war director of the University Library in Poznań, Prof. Aleksander Birkenmajer, to commemorate this year’s 50th anniversary of Birkenmajer’s death. Prof. Birkenmajer took the reins of the University Library in March 1939, shortly before the outbreak of WW II. During the occupation, Birkenmajer was released of his duties and did not see his co-workers for a number of years. He came back to the Library in March 1945 to re-establish and commence regular duties of the institution between 1945–1947. The present article is based on the archival materials currently kept in the Archives of the University Library in Poznań.
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Nowicki R., Działalność Aleksandra Birkenmajera na rzecz ochrony zbiorów bibliotecznych. Ziemie zachodniej i północnej Polski w latach 1945–1947, Poznań 2006.

Głowacka-Helak M., Rewindykacja księgozbioru Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu oraz zabezpieczanie zbiorów porzuconych i opuszczonych w latach 1945–1946 na terenie Wielkopolski i Ziem Odzyskanych, „Roczniki Biblioteczne” 1991, z. 1/2.

Materiały Archiwum Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu z lat 1937–1947.