The Main Library of the University of Economics in Poznań in 1926–2016
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University of Economics in Poznań
Main Library
library space and facilities
development of services
publishing and editorial activity

How to Cite

Tomaszewski, R. (2017). The Main Library of the University of Economics in Poznań in 1926–2016. Biblioteka, (21(30), 155–180.

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The Main Library of the University of Economics in Poznań was established in 1926 as a subsidiary institution to the newly established academic college. This article attempts to present an outline of the history of the library within the most important areas of its activity. Relevant changing legal regulations that have been appropriately amended over the past ninety years are presented as well as the organizational structure and staff situation are discussed in detail. The library’s space problems and lack of appropriate facilities, a situation that lasted for a considerable amount of time, is given additional attention. The article describes the process of the systematic formation and processing of the library’s book collections. The evolution of the information and documentation duties of the library is highlighted in the article. In addition, the article addresses other vital activities of the library, such as publishing and editorial activity. The article attempts to present not only the history and development of the Main Library, but also its place and role as an institution supporting the curriculum and teaching portfolio of the University.
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Sójka J., Z dziejów Biblioteki Głównej Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu w latach 1926–1976, „Informacje Biblioteki Głównej”. Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu 1976, nr 2, s. 23–31.