Half a century has already passed… Foundation and activity of the Adam Mickiewicz University Press
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Scientific book
Series editions
Book fairs

How to Cite

Wegner-Maruszewska, I. (2012). Half a century has already passed… Foundation and activity of the Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Biblioteka, (16(25), 257–281. https://doi.org/10.14746/b.2012.16.9

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Number of downloads: 231


Established in 1962, Adam Mickiewicz University Press is a department of one of the major universities in Poland. It is one of the oldest university presses in Poland being at the Adam Mickiewicz University which is one of the major universities in Poland. The University Press, which celebrates its fifty years in 2012, has been publishing scientific books such as monographs, collected works, series of books on a variety of subjects, a number of scientific journals and the like. Its annual output is about 130 books on the average. Adam Mickiewicz University Press cooperates with a number of publishing houses at home and abroad. Over its 50 years’ existence it has cooperated with such distinguished publishers as Cambridge University Press, John Benjamins, Eburon (the Netherlands), Mouton, and Elsevier. to mention a few. It has exchanged, bought and sold permissions for publication and translation of many scientific books and papers. Some permissions are given and obtained free of charge. Apart from authors coming from our University, we have also published scientific works by authors from other universities in Poznań and Poland as well as from other countries. Many Polish and foreign authors outside of the University have decided to publish their works at our University Press due to its excellent editorial work and artwork. Thus, Adam Mickiewicz University Press has exhibited its books at home and abroad – cities where and has received a number of awards and prizes for the quality of its publications.
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Archiwum UAM: Protokoły Senatu 1958/59. Protokół z IV zwyczajnego posiedzenia Senatu Akademickiego UAM, które odbyło się w dniu 5 stycznia 1959 roku. Komunikaty.

Archiwum UAM: Protokoły Senatu 1960/61. Protokół z IV zwyczajnego posiedzenia Senatu Akademickiego, które odbyło się w dniu 7 listopada 1960 roku, pkt VI.

Dzięczkowski A., Edward Lubicz-Niezabitowski (1928–1929), w: Poczet rektorów Almae Matris Posnaniensis, red. T. Schramm, Poznań 2004.

Kosicka-Pajewska A., Czesław Łuczak (1965–1972), w: Poczet rektorów Almae Matris Posnaniensis, red. T. Schramm, Poznań 2004.

Olszewski H., Alfons Klafkowski (1956–1962), w: Poczet rektorów Almae Matris Posnaniensis, red. T. Schramm, Poznań 2004.