The ever-changing, dynamic and increasingly more and more demanding environment of the modern research library exerts pressure on innovative processes related to changes in the applicable managing model. The article discusses the changes in the organization and the managing system at the library of the University of Eastern Finland that had to be effected as a result of a merging process of individual library units into one. The article provides a description of a number of the said transformations at the level of the organizational structure, acquisition policy, storage and circulation of resources and at the level of human resources management within the context of the concept of the institution that has to learn in the process and can adjust itself to unstable environment and the following changes. Within this concept, the library is also to be in position to be ready to adopt alternative solutions that would secure continuity and further development of the institution.References
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Copyright (c) 2012 Hanna Grabowska
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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