The main goal of the article is to present the apiculture literature published and written in Silesia. The bicentenary of the birth of the distinguished apiarist Jan Dzierżon, falling in 2011, makes somewhat an apt pretext for undertaking the subject. The major tasks accomplished and the achievements made by the reportedly most famous Silesian in the world have dominated the history of apiculture of the region to such an extent that, in fact, very little is being said on the output of other Silesian beekeepers and Silesian authors that have written on the subject. The truth is, however, that their output is both impressive and spectacular. Part One of the article deals with Nickel Jacob of Sprottau (Polish: Szprotawa), the author of the first book on apiculture published in Silesia, and the man considered to be the father of German bibliography on apiculture. Other pioneers of German specialist literature in beekeeping also include Johann Coler of Goldberg (Złotoryja). In the eighteenth century, the Lusatian Adam Gottlieb Schirach and the German Johann Riem contributed with their work and journalistic activities to the development of apiculture in Silesia. Sections devoted to apiculture are also to be found in works of other authors on household management in country areas. The legacy of the predecessors was further developed by the Reverend Dr. Jan Dzierżon following his achievements in practical apiculture. Jan Dzierżon made Silesian beekeeping famous not only in the region. He was a pioneering apiarist who discovered the phenomenon of parthenogenesis in bees and designed the modern movable-frame beehive. He also authored a number of important publications. His discoveries and innovations made him world-famous in scientific and beekeeping circles. Part Two of the article is entirely devoted to Dzierżon, who has been described as the ”father of modern apiculture” and an old master of beekeeping. This part shows the life and life achievements of Dzierżon, reconstructs his efforts to have the theory of parthenogenesis scientifically acknowledged and presents his enormous journalistic output. The author indicates the fact that there is no full and comprehensive appropriate subject bibliography available. Dzierżon himself was a publisher of one of the first apicultural periodicals in Silesia. The legacy of Silesian apicultural writings is rich and it is hard to understand why it has been so scarcely investigated and recognized. Part Three is devoted to Polish and German apicultural periodicals and journals published in Silesia. The entries for the listing also include irregular and one-issue editions, as well as supplements. In conclusions, the author proves that the future bibliography of Silesian apicultural writings, in all its areas, requires a complex and extensive investigation. The state of the evaluation of apicultural writings in Silesia reflect, to a certain extent, the state of bibliography on the subject in the present and former lands belonging to Poland.References
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