Professional competences vs. traineeship system in education of students of research information and librarianship
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kompetencje zawodowe
praktyki studenckie
Instytut INiB UJ
informacja naukowa i bibliotekoznawstwo
professional competences
student traineeships
Institute of Research Information and Book Studies at the Jagiellonian University

How to Cite

Irena, G., & Stanula, M. (2013). Professional competences vs. traineeship system in education of students of research information and librarianship. Biblioteka, (17(26), 169–193.

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Traineeship programs constitute an important element in higher education in research information and librarianship. They significantly influence and improve professional competence of students, which may turn out to be decisive in their prospective employment. The present article attempts to analyze the quality the traineeship program offered by the Institute of Research Information and Librarianship at the Jagiellonian University within the time frame of the past eight years (2004/2005-2011/2012). The analysis is based on the available documentation kept at the institute. The analysis includes a review of the location of placements, types of host institutions and opinions of traineeship programs supervisors and students involved. In addition, the changes introduced to the traineeship program resulting from the implementation of a new curriculum at the institute, devised according to the All-National Framework of Professional Qualifications for higher education institutions, are presented and discussed. The article is concluded with a discussion on the possible influence of traineeship program upon future chances of employment on the labour market.
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