Twenty years ago (in 1989), the Library of the Poznań Society of Friends of Arts and Sciences received a gift from Stanisław Lis-Kozłowski, a Polish exile in Argentina (1907-1995) – a collection of books and materials on Polish matters and related to Poland and the Polish diaspora in Argentina. These materials were complemented with other books published in Argentina and works on the history of Latin America. The donor had been collecting his collection for forty years from the first days of his exile life in Argentina, i.e. from 1948. Stanisław Lis-Kozłowski was a chemical engineer and a distinguished officer of the Home Army (decorated with the highest Polish, British and French military and state decorations: 24 orders, 16 decorations), minister plenipotentiary of the Polish government in exile (in Paraguay, 1974-1980), activist in many Polish associations in exile, promoter of Polish culture, science and history worldwide (more than 200 bibliographical items), heraldist, collector of Slavic material and a member of many international historical, cultural and heraldic associations and organizations. The article discusses more interesting items in the collection that covers five thematic groups. From among Polish periodicals published in exile, the most important is a group of 28 titles (including three titles preserved in almost complete runs, i.e. Głos Polski, Nasza Sprawa and Kurier Polski). Other notable collections include over a hundred books published in Argentina in Polish and Spanish (Polish literature, biographies of famous Poles, historical treatises, political and social opinion journalism, and press cuttings related to Poland and Polish matters from Argentinian press from the years 1955-1991. The collection is available in the reading room of the Library. The state of preservation of the collection is fairly good, whereas some of the works are recorded in the online catalogue of the Library (see the index of the call numbers, starting from the shelf number 150 000, with the letter “L” at the end), and the traditional card catalogue (alphabetical and subject catalogue). The remaining part of the collection is recorded in the inventory books.License
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