Academic libraries and science in digital transformation process: a tentative diagnosis
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academic libraries
scientific research
digital transformation
domain portals
information services

How to Cite

Hudzik, K. (2018). Academic libraries and science in digital transformation process: a tentative diagnosis. Biblioteka, (22(31), 143–156.

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My considerations concern the group of scientific libraries such as academic libraries, and the science in the sense of scientific research. Both areas – library and science – have been in the process of transformation, last known as the digital transformation, for almost 30 years. Science creates modern digital technologies, which in turn change science itself by providing new tools, research methods, and the ways of communication. Libraries’ task is to keep pace with science and to keep up with its expectations in providing the literature and information needed for research. The basic question is whether library and science are on the same path of digital transformation?
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