Wiązanie słów kluczowych jako metoda skracania długości indeksów w katalogach bibliotecznych (z doświadczeń Wielkopolskiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej)


Indeks rzeczowy
Świadomość semantyczna
Katalog biblioteczny
Hasła przedmiotowe
Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa

How to Cite

Catlow, J., Górny, M., & Lewandowski, R. (2009). Wiązanie słów kluczowych jako metoda skracania długości indeksów w katalogach bibliotecznych (z doświadczeń Wielkopolskiej Biblioteki Cyfrowej). Biblioteka, (13(22), 101–110. https://doi.org/10.14746/b.2009.13.9

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This paper presents a relatively simple and cheap method for shortening the subject indexes in library catalogues. The method involves taking a set of several dozen general concepts, characterized by a low semantic awareness barrier. Built around these words are subindexes made up of the words which appear in descriptions containing a particular general concept. The effectiveness of the method was studied by analyzing the content of fragments of subject indexes of the NUKAT central catalogue of Polish libraries, the University Library in Poznań and the Library of Congress. Compared with the subject headings language method, this method reduces the length of an index by an average of two-thirds, and makes it significantly easier for readers to navigate the vocabulary used by the cataloger. This method has been developed for the needs of Digital Library of Wielkopolska, and will probably be used in all regional digital libraries in Poland.


NUKAT, http://www.nukat.edu.pl/.

Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa (Digital Library of Wielkopolska), http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra.