Word and image in a book of fate. On protoemblematic strategies in early modern book of fortune telling by Stanisław of Bochnie
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fortune telling
popular literature
emblem studies
early modern Kingdom of Poland

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Kiliańczyk-Zięba, J. (2021). Word and image in a book of fate. On protoemblematic strategies in early modern book of fortune telling by Stanisław of Bochnie. Biblioteka, (25 (34), 79–106. https://doi.org/10.14746/b.2021.25.4

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In 1532 the Hieronim Wietor’s printing office in Cracow printed a book by Stanisław Kleryka (Stanisław of Bochnie, Anserinus) that could be used to play a variety of fortune telling games. The volume was composed of words and images – texts and woodcut illustrations. The present article analyses the functions these components were designed for in the whole structure of the work (and in its printed edition), and discusses the ways these components were used to create one’s own “lot book” or “book of fates”. Additional attention is given to the tradition of emblems and the heritage of the mediaeval allegorising that was heavily exploited in this Renaissance book of fates. By analysing the iconography of the woodcuts included in the Fortuna and the structure of the printed volume, an attempt is also made to position the Fortuna against early modern emblematic tradition or the so-called “emblematic mentality” of the epoch, which were clearly manifested in the set of author’s humorous predictions (as well as in the works of the cooperating woodcutter and printer in the printed rendition of the Fortuna).

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