Some remarks on Masonic imagery
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Freemason collection at the University Library
Iréne Mainguy
Ars Regia
Freemason brotherhood
Freemason imagery
Masonic lodge

How to Cite

Grażyńska, I. . (2020). Some remarks on Masonic imagery. Biblioteka, (24 (33), 173–189.

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Freemason symbolism differs from the traditional symbolism in that it is typically designed and reserved for the initiated. The book Symbolique maçonnique du troisième millénaire by Iréne Mainguy stands out among other works devoted to this subject and is discussed and reviewed in the present article. The book introduces us to a number of particular notions in Freemason imagery, systematise theoretical and empirical knowledge on the richness of the symbolism and its evolution, and brings useful information on all lodge degrees in the history of Ars Regia. Freemason imagery has been evolving and permeates all affairs of life, those related to everyday routine in particular. Some symbols are easily recognisable to all, while some others still remain a mystery.
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