The Library’s multi-faceted role in collecting information and research. An all-around struggle
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library functions
integration of environments
professional education
multi-faceted service offermulti-faceted service offer
inter-library cooperation

How to Cite

Wojciechowski, J. (2020). The Library’s multi-faceted role in collecting information and research. An all-around struggle. Biblioteka, (24 (33), 217–256.

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Though librarianship is still a valid profession, it has no doubt become a diversified one. What holds it together in the general terms is professional knowledge on the one hand and the underlying assignment, operation and mediation in communication, on the other. In the present circumstances, however, this mediation is of multi-semiotic nature. In thus modified continuation of assignments, what remains equally important is the supportive role and assistance of librarians in knowledge and science, information, education and leisure. Services rendered by libraries should retain their free of charge character, while the assignments should be thoroughly and profoundly amended and updated, including (to a greater degree) support of intellectualization and social integration.
What complements professional efficiency is the knowledge of the components and processes of the library’s power base, in particular knowledge of resources, indexing and bibliographic skills and proficiency in the provision of services. Invariably, an awareness attitude towards multi-directional interlibrary cooperation reminds vital as ever. In addition, this relatively new area of professional requirements embrace a capability to construct direct library offers that go beyond the limits of and exceed the provision of regular services and library activity in favour of integration of surrounding environments.
A model concept of professional proficiency should involve its two-tier structure. The one basic level includes qualifications and general skills, in this particular profession mandatory for all. The other, the upper tier, embraces multi-dimensional specialisation; in its variant combination, either categorial or in processual perspective, where it is still possible for some of these specialisations to overlap. Automation, intensely applied to a variety of different library processes, offers new chances, but at the same time carries a number of specific risks and dangers.
Any foreseeable future of libraries and the profession of the librarian will then be determined by the social value and usefulness of libraries, preservation of their institutional nature and the quality of professional education. Regrettably, in Poland, all the above factors undergo alteration and no longer retain their original constituted form. As a result, the survival of librarianship, as well as its further development, needs a reaction and urgent and decisive action on the side of library staff. This, however, does not seem to be the case.
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