The role of trust in building and enhancing social capital in the professional environment of librarians. Study results
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social capital
social networks

How to Cite

Wojciechowska, M. (2020). The role of trust in building and enhancing social capital in the professional environment of librarians. Study results. Biblioteka, (24 (33), 277–301.

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This article discusses the issue of the ”trust” relationship that is considered to be a prerequisite and a necessary condition for building social capital. Social capital and trust play an important role in operation of a great number of institutions and societies, including libraries. Both support and enhance relationships with the local environment, improve co-operation with partners and co-workers, diminish fear and reduce conflicts, and are also stimulants in development. To properly diagnose this particular phenomenon within the library environment, relevant studies have been carried out in 20 countries all over the world. The analysis presented in the article includes both an attempt at establishing the level of trust within the professional group of librarians and the degree of its correlation with other factors (independent variables, such as the age, type of library, library position, etc., and dependent variables). It has been established that librarians show high level of trust towards other people, while the respondents who declared their trust towards other people are also characterised by higher level of individual social capital, enjoy participation in larger social networks and are more involved in charity and public-spirited activities. The latter group includes people who are also family-oriented and enjoy friendship contacts. All the mentioned social attitudes seem to be of significant value in particular library positions.
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