German journals and newspapers in the periodical landscape of Poznań and Greater Poland before 1918. A contribution to the study on an interesting group of sources (trans. Renata Piejko)
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German press
Polish press
nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Greater Poland

How to Cite

Barełkowski, M. (2021). German journals and newspapers in the periodical landscape of Poznań and Greater Poland before 1918. A contribution to the study on an interesting group of sources (trans. Renata Piejko). Biblioteka, (25 (34), 151–169.

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Researchers generally cite late nineteenth century and early twentieth century as the years when the press movement flourished and journalism enjoyed an extraordinary development, while its influence continued to be felt in later decades. Better overall education of society combined with new technological advances were conducive to the development of the print mass media and readership in general. This article attempts to present the press landscape in Poznań, and to a lesser degree in the region. The main discussion is focused on the fate of the then local Germanlanguage newspapers and periodicals, today almost forgotten. Their history, editorial profiles and problems with censorship are discussed, as well as the rivalry between the local Polish, German and Jewish communities in relevant controversies and points of contention. Finally, the author gives some general consideration on how the latter heritage, currently held mainly in the collections of the AMU University Library, can be rationally and wisely used today.
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