Descriptions of journeys to Near East and North Africa from the years 1801–1919 in the collections of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
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Middle East
North Africa
Arab world
19th century

How to Cite

Jakubowski, F. (2022). Descriptions of journeys to Near East and North Africa from the years 1801–1919 in the collections of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Biblioteka, (26 (35), 153–169.

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The paper deals with nineteenth century travelogues to the Arabic part of the Middle East and North Africa, being part of the collection of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. They are housed mostly in the University Library, the rest in faculty libraries. This collection, though it did not originate as a purposeful collection, consists of 250 separate titles in eight languages, two third of them being in German. The provenance varies, but the majority of the books come from the Kaiser Wilhelm Bibliothek in Poznań. The collection also reflects how travelogues as a literary genre developed in Europe in the 19th century and shows the diversity of the genre.
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