Conference of Directors of Academic Libraries of Higher Education Institutions in Poland and its foundation in view of available documents and the most important facts in its 25-year long existence
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Conference of Directors of Academic Libraries of Higher Education Institu- tions in Poland
International Book Development

How to Cite

Górski, M. (2024). Conference of Directors of Academic Libraries of Higher Education Institutions in Poland and its foundation in view of available documents and the most important facts in its 25-year long existence. Biblioteka, (27 (36), 313–339.

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This article presents the following topics: origination, surrounding circumstances and history of the origin of the Conference of Directors of Academic Libraries of Higher Education Institutions in Poland – Polish: KDBASP). The paper analyses archival documents, including the correspondence between various institutions and the people that were the first movers in the initiation of the idea of a creation of an organisation that would bring together academic libraries, and, first of all, the confidential IBD Report that discussed the execution of the TRAIL project, within which the very idea of the establishment of the association had been conceived. In addition, the most important initiatives of the KDBASP undertaken during its twenty five long existence are presented and discussed.
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