Polish humanities and theology journals in Scopus: towards internationalization
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scholarly journal
humanities journals
theology journals
journal evaluation

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Drabek, A. (2024). Polish humanities and theology journals in Scopus: towards internationalization. Biblioteka, (27 (36), 225–256. https://doi.org/10.14746/b.2023.27.10

Number of views: 156

Number of downloads: 116


The publication of the Polish Journal Ranking in 2019 caused many comments among Polish humanists, indicating that many Polish scientific journals were undervalued. Over 3.5 thousand scientific journals were published in Poland, of which only a few hundred were included in the 2019 Ranking. The scientists expressed concerns about extending the ranking and pointed out that the international Web of Science and Scopus databases would not be interested in Polish humanities journals publishing primarily in Polish. Despite these controversies, many editorial boards have tried introducing journals to these databases.
The article aims to analyze Polish humanities and theology journals indexed in the Scopus database to check how their internationalization looks like in 2023 by measuring the fulfillment of the registration criteria of the database in question. In just over five years, 98 Polish humanities and theology journals were included in the database.
Based on data from the Scopus and Arianta databases, a list of 187 journals currently registered in Scopus was prepared. The journals were analyzed in terms of disciplines, publication model, and type of publishing institution. In the second part of the analysis, articles published in these journals were examined by the publication language and the authors’ affiliation (country and institution). The article ends with recommendations for journal editors.

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