The article discusses problems and issues relative to automation processes at Poznań University Library. To provide a more in-depth insight into the nature of the changes, these solutions that distinctively improved the quality of work of the staff and user services are presented, beside the record of consecutive changes introduced to the library. These changes have facilitated the general knowledge of new technological solutions, their implementation and the resulting widespread use. The process of the changes in the operation of the Horizon library integrated system is presented as well as the Library’s cooperation with the national central catalogue – NUKAT . Successive stages in the development of electronic information space are described, including the creation of electronic knowledge resources and tools to handle them in the process of searching for information sources. The University Library is presented as a partner in preparing and implementing institutional digital platforms used in submitting and making available the research output of the University’s academic community to the general public. Finally, the functionality of the already implemented innovative virtual services of the Libsmart package that streamlines the operation of the University Library is presented.References
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Copyright (c) 2015 Piotr Karwasiński, Hanna Wesołowska-Mis
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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