The embossed plaquette with a bust length portrait of the last Jagiellonian king inserted in the binding of the “Commentarius brevis rerum in orbe gestarum” from the collection of the former Cathedral Library in Gniezno
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Sigismund August II
Gniezno Archdiocese Archives
Cathedral Library in Gniezno
tegumentology (the knowledge about bindings).

How to Cite

Muraszko, M. (2015). The embossed plaquette with a bust length portrait of the last Jagiellonian king inserted in the binding of the “Commentarius brevis rerum in orbe gestarum” from the collection of the former Cathedral Library in Gniezno. Biblioteka, (19(28), 195–202.

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The communique presents the binding of a printed book published in Cologne in 1568. The lower part of the cover vignette of the book is embellished with a bust of Sigismund August II of Poland embossed in the binding. It should be added at this point that the relevant literature of the subject includes a number of examples of bindings decorated with ornaments that might have been embossed by the same binding device.
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