Union catalogues in a changing library world
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Alma (Ex Libris)
National Library of Poland
University of Warsaw Library
Research libraries
public libraries
university libraries
user interface
Linked Open Data (LOD)
National Union Catalogue
„integrated catalogues”
organisational structures
library systems
shared cataloguing

How to Cite

Hollender, H. (2024). Union catalogues in a changing library world. Biblioteka, (28 (37), 213–234. https://doi.org/10.14746/b.2024.28.9

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Number of downloads: 15


Union catalogues are the norm in developed countries. In the most widespread model, metadata resources grow with the growth of collections, through shared cataloguing. The aim of this article is to give a general overview of the tasks and directions of development of union catalogues, with a particular focus on new technologies, and in the context of the complexity of managing projects involving the implementation of their new kinds. We also warn against defective solutions. Conclusions were derived from the authors’ own observations and those mediated by the literature; methods therefore can qualify as empirical and meta-empirical. The focus was on „national” (country) union (central) catalogues. Examples of several solutions were given, subjecting them to evaluation, formulated mainly in terms of user experience and cultural priorities of design. The changes that catalogues undergo when using Linked Open Data are considered and progress to date is critically assessed. A comparison is also made between the NUKAT union catalogue of Poland, founded in 2002 and dominated by the resources of academic libraries, and the (competing?) „integrated catalogues” project run by the National Library. Successful projects, such as the new British or Swiss catalogue, also based on the Software as a Service principle, have an advantage over others not so much due to the inclusion of linked open data, but due to the harmonious cooperation of many institutions. We conclude that its implementation in Polish managerial practice is crucial to the success of the target Polish catalogue.

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