The Society of the Friends of the University Library in Poznań in the years 1929–1939
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Poznań University
Poznań University Library
acquisition policy
promotion of books and readership

How to Cite

Jazdon, A. (2016). The Society of the Friends of the University Library in Poznań in the years 1929–1939. Biblioteka, (20(29), 97–122.

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One of the key objectives of the University Library established based on the collection of the former Kaiser-Wilhelm-Bibliothek was to Polonise its collections and streamline them to support the newly established Polish University. However, the financial resources allocated for this particular purpose were not sufficient enough to fit the purpose and, what is more, due to the emerging crisis in the country’s financial situation and the time of national stringency, were systematically decreased by the authorities. To make up for the situation an attempt was made to support the Library by obtaining acquisitions beyond current expenditure, i.e. by gifts, endowments, and bequests and, first of all, by the introduced deposit copy scheme. Moreover, since 1923 first attempt were made to set up the Society of Friends of the University Library that eventually was established in 1929. Its goal was to provide a platform for all those who were ready to support the library financially or otherwise. The Society included people from all walks of life and all social strata. The Society continued to lend financial and moral support to the library and was instrumental in organising the money for necessary library materials until the outbreak of WWII though on a lesser scale that it had been expected. Though the membership of the Society was not large, its members succeeded in lobbying for the library and thus in making the general public more aware of its problems, reaching decision-makers and private people. All this resulted in substantial donations to the library in the years 1929–1939, which contributed significantly to help cover the basic assignments required in the collection shaping process.
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