Die interaktionalen Zusammenhänge in Schriftsätzen


Interaktionale Zusammenhänge


Młodecki, M. (2018). Die interaktionalen Zusammenhänge in Schriftsätzen. Glottodidactica, 30, 69–94. https://doi.org/10.14746/gl.2005.30.07


The following paper deals generally with the linguistic research of the german language of law and more precisely - the texts written by lawyers. It presents the joint analysis of three successive written statements concerning a civil case - the statement of claim, the statement of defence and the replication. The aim is to give a linguistic description of this type of text including the analysis of the interaction between the parties reflected in the language of these texts. Therefore three levels of texts were taken into consideration - the macrostructure, the midistructure and the microstructure. The main part of the interaction takes place in the complex level of midistructure, on the one hand between the speech acts of each text, on the other hand as a progress of the topical structure, but the remaining levels are also influenced. The joint analysis of the three texts enables to observe similarities between such approach and the analysis of a spoken interaction, ie. a talk, discussion. Thus, it is an example of overcoming the division of the linguistic research into two fields - the linguistic of the spoken and written language.



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