Special issue of the journal Glottodidactica - 2022/2

Dear colleagues,

we invite you to submit proposals for a special issue of our journal planned for 2022 (issue 2 will be published in December 2022).  The issue will contain contributions on current research findings on inter- and transculturality in school exchange projects. Among others, topics such as 1. self-images and images of others/stereotypes, 2. culture-reflective learning in international student exchanges, 3. examples of exchanges and 4. challenges and perspectives of student exchanges will be dealt with in more detail. The contributions can be both theoretical (models and concepts) and focus on the practice of exchange projects, addressing the following questions:

- What role does intercultural and transcultural learning play in international school exchange projects (for pupils, for teachers, for academic support)?

- How can inter- and transcultural differences and similarities be dealt with in school exchange projects and what is the added value of such exchange projects, on a linguistic as well as intercultural level?

- What are the possibilities, difficulties and limits as well as the resulting proposals for solutions, e.g. for objectives, thematic focuses, didactic-methodical tools, exchange structure and process, various forms of exchange as well as a support concept?

Interested contributors are requested to format their contributions according to our guidelines (cf. https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/gl/about/submissions) and submit them via the Pressto platform by 30 April 2022.