Le doublage comme un moyen de travailler sur la prononciation française : théorie et pratique
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computer-assisted language learning
pronunciation training
video dubbing

How to Cite

Kotuła, K. (2018). Le doublage comme un moyen de travailler sur la prononciation française : théorie et pratique. Glottodidactica, 45(1), 69–84. https://doi.org/10.14746/gl.2018.45.1.05


Pronunciation is an often-neglected aspect of language instruction. Teachers usually
place the blame on lack of time and resources, as well as curricular restrictions. However, in recent years, we have witnessed a proliferation of various tools that can be used to render work on different aspects of pronunciation much more interesting. In the present paper, we will focus on one particular technique: video dubbing. By examining the answers provided by the participants of a dubbing project conducted by the author of the present study, we will try to reflect on the potential advantages of such activities, and determine whether they are considered stimulating and effective by language learners.

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