Dialogue in teacher qualitative inquiry: does it affect teacher-researchers and their learners or not?
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Qualitative inquiry
Teacher research

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Wiśniewska, D. (2011). Dialogue in teacher qualitative inquiry: does it affect teacher-researchers and their learners or not?. Glottodidactica, 38, 83–94. https://doi.org/10.14746/gl.2011.38.8


The aim of this study was to explore: 1) whether the student-teachers (as researchers) enter into a dialogue with their learners (the researched) in the course of their research; 2) what is the nature of this dialogue; 3) what role this dialogue plays in the teachers’ and the learners’ lives. In this study I draw on teachers’ narratives which were stimulated by questions which emerged after having read the research chapters of MA theses written in the field of EFL learning and teaching.
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