The purpose of the article is to show how the concept of conventional syntagmas (konventionelle Syntagmen) of Ludwik Zabrocki can be developed in corpus-linguistics and lexicographical approach. The conventional syntagmas will be identified with collocations and interpreted as a corpus-linguistics, phraseological and glottodidactic phenomenon at the same time, due to their conventional character. In German-Polish contrastive approach, lexicographical and corpusbased analyses will be carried out (in NKJP, DEREKO, DWDS) on chosen collocations. The aim of the analyses is to show the necessity to create a bilingual German-Polish dictionary of collocations and the fact that corpus-linguistics has already developed the appropriate tools to excerpt collocations. Finally, it will lead to the presentation of lexicographical description of chosen collocations in the conceived bilingual German-Polish dictionary of collocations.
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NKJP (= Narodowy Korpus Języka Polskiego), http://nkjp.pl/
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