The main purpose of writing this article was to present the elements of mathematical culture that are currently available to visitors of science centers in the form of interactive exhibitions. The following text describes mathematical knowledge, mathematical activities and the application of mathematics in other fields of knowledge and life. Mathematical exhibits are elements of didactic culture. It can be assumed that they are carriers of specific meanings created by visitors to science centers and visitors to the exhibitions. The analyzes undertaken in the text made it possible to identify certain categories of the studied elements of mathematical culture. The study was carried out in two science centers in Poland, using a qualitative strategy, analyzing documents. The author conducted similar research before the pandemic in museums and science centers in Germany. This article presents the results for three elements of culture. In the future, the study will also cover mathematical exhibits/exhibitions from other science centers in European countries that began to function again in a renewed form after the pandemic.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Agnieszka Bojarska-Sokołowska
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