Visualisation of the Litany in Concrete Poetry: Gomringer, Jandl, Bocian
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concrete poetry
inter-semiotic translation
syncretism of arts

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Sadowski, W. . (2021). Visualisation of the Litany in Concrete Poetry: Gomringer, Jandl, Bocian. Porównania, 28(1), 141–161.


The article presents examples of concrete poetry in Polish and German, examples that simultaneously meet the two following criteria: 1) they combine both literary and visual elements, and 2) can be considered as litanies because of the pattern of repetition used. A question is posed as to whether the poems are based on the same concept of space-time as in the medieval litanies. As the analysis shows, inter-semiotic relations between the linguistic and the visual aspects of the poems are indicative of a substantial divergence between Polish and German-language concrete poetry as regards their access to the generic worldview of the litany.
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