Surrealist Signatures of Bogdan Bogdanović
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Bogdan Bogdanović

How to Cite

Siewior, K. (2021). Surrealist Signatures of Bogdan Bogdanović. Porównania, 28(1), 257–283.


The main goal of the article is to explore relations of literature and architecture in works of Bogdan Bogdanović, the Serbian architect, writer, politician and dissident. The author focuses on surrealist influences that pervade Bogdanović’s work i.e. famous memorials of WWII, sketches, political and architectural essays and autobiographical narratives. Analyzing both aesthetic and ideological aspects of surrealist signatures etched into this ouvre, the author defines them as a subversive strategy aimed against the communist discourse of Yugoslavia as well as against the modernist discourse of postwar architecture.
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Literatura podmiotu:

Bogdanović Bogdan (1958), Mali urbanizam, Narodna prosveta, Sarajevo.

Bogdanović Bogdan (1963), Zaludna mistrija: doktrina i praktika bratstva zlatnih (crnih) brojeva, Nolit, Beograd.

Bogdanović Bogdan (1966), Urbanističke mitologeme, Vuk Karadžić, Beograd.

Bogdanović Bogdan (1976), Urbs i logos, Gradina, Niš.

Bogdanović Bogdan (1982), Gradoslovar, Vuk Karadžić, Beograd.

Bogdanović Bogdan (1983), Povratak grifona: crtačka heuristička igra po modelu Luisa Karola, Jugoart, Beograd.

Bogdanović Bogdan (1988), Mrtvouzice: Mentalne zamke staljinizma, August Cesarec, Zagreb.

Bogdanović Bogdan (1990), Knjiga kapitela, Svjetlost, Sarajevo.

Bogdanović Bogdan (1993), Grad kenotaf, Durieux, Zagreb.

Bogdanović Bogdan (2001a), Glib i krv, Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji, Beograd.

Bogdanović Bogdan (2001b), Ukleti neimar, Mediterran Publishing Novi Sad.

Bogdanović Bogdan (2009), Zelena kutija. Knjiga snova, Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad.

Bogdanović Bogdan (2013), Gradovi su bića, w: Ukleti neimar/The Doomed architect, red. Sonja Leboš, AIIR, Split, s. 21–39.

Bogdanović Bogdan, Ideenskizzen, nachträgliche Studien (Az W Inv. Nr.: N5–49–12-P).

Bogdanović Bogdan, Fantasiedarstellungen, Skizzen (Az W Inv. Nr.: N5–49–20-P).

Bogdanović Bogdan, Ideographishe Planimetrien (Az W Inv. Nr.: N5–55–18-P).

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