Current Issue
Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literacka is a semiyearly journal of literary scholarship. Each issue of the publication represents a monograph whose main contents are devoted to a particular problem chosen by the editorial staff. The interpretation section (“Confrontations”) is thematically independent from the main section; in it, we print texts relating to various periods and authors, presenting experimental studies by literary scholars. Another equally important section consists of critical essays (“Readings”). It features not so much reviews of scholarly books as penetrating reflections on and polemics with important publications in literary scholarship. A separate section in the journal (“Transfer”) is devoted to translations, whose importance for the dissemination of diverse scholarly approaches and theories of reading cannot be exaggerated. A special section of the publication is reserved for works concerned with archival and bibliographical questions (“Discoveries”); it presents ongoing projects of and discussions among literary scholars and announces the results of queries and other searches. For an intellectual dessert course, we propose more free-form essays (“Ventures”).
INDEXED IN:Scopus; Directory of Open Access Journals; ERIH PLUS; CEEOL; CEJSH; Index Copernicus 2018; PKP Index; Google Scholar; WorldCat
Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2024): 40
ICV 2018: 79,41
DOI: 10.14746/pspsl ISSN: 1233-8680 ISSN (Online): 2450-4947

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