The discussion of the ways one conceives of and reflex upon the procedures of archiving the opus of actresses active in the socialist period represents one of the urging tasks of both theatre studies and feminist criticism in Croatia, given the relative scarcity of interest for this area of research within Croatian theatre academia. This study presents the results of a research done on the work of one of the leading Croatian actresses after WWII, Neva Rošić, which mostly rely on the discourse analysis of theatre reviews, interviews, personal letters, articles written by the actress herself and other media reports on her major successes on the stage. A whole array of sources is thus summoned to corroborate the thesis that the female acting practice in this period, belonging as it does to the poetics of impersonation, could figure as an interesting ground for the analysis of both the issues of female acting authorship, and the cultural construction of gender norms, as well as the means and outcomes of their performative subversion.References
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