Žene, Jugoslavija, antikomunistička narkoza i novi kolonijalizam: mape, putevi, izlazi

Słowa kluczowe

new colonialism
au pair
twin cultures

Jak cytować

Slapšak, S. (2013). Žene, Jugoslavija, antikomunistička narkoza i novi kolonijalizam: mape, putevi, izlazi. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (5), 249–263. https://doi.org/10.14746/pss.2013.5.18


In the paper the author tries to map out critically the situation within gender studies and their academic production in the region: the uncomfortable dealing with „Yugoslavia”, the overall situation of humanities and social sciences, the political, social and cultural backlash of women’s position/rights and visibility in the whole post-socialist world, the consequences of the war, the Western feminists’, academics, media and intellectuals’ impact on the interpretation of the war, of which all can be connected with the provoking terms in the title. The author illustrates the situation with some of the examples of the Western academic and cultural dealing with the war and local feminism, and some problems of situating the „Yugoslav nostalgia”. The author proposes several theoretical and methodological approaches which could enable gender studies and humanities’ academics in the region to grasp the problems from the new perspective: work/research au pair, the concept of twin cultures, the method of ground-truthing.



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