Dobrovoljno ropstvo i totalitarnost u distopijskim romanima 20. stoljeća: Status književnosti u Vrlome novom svijetu, 1984. i Fahrenheitu 451
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democracy and totalitarianism
voluntary servitude
dystopian novels
book burning

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Štahan, M. (2019). Dobrovoljno ropstvo i totalitarnost u distopijskim romanima 20. stoljeća: Status književnosti u Vrlome novom svijetu, 1984. i Fahrenheitu 451. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (17), 253–267.


The article thematises the relationship of the will to rule and the will to be ruled in the aforementioned dystopian novels by Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and Ray Bradbury. The first part of the article points out Hannah Arendt’s observations on the nature of totalitarianism, the second part deals with the similarities concerning the status of literature in the fictitious totalitarian societies represented in the three novels, whereas the final part exemplifies Arendtʼs views through Étienne de La Boétieʼs writings on “voluntary servitude”. The conflict between those who want to be ruled and those who want to be free reflects the clash of those who want to annihilate literature and those who want to preserve it.
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