Яворов post mortem

Słowa kluczowe

Yavorov Year
ritual book
being in and with death
intimate reconstruction

Jak cytować

Велкова-Гайдаржиева, А. (2019). Яворов post mortem. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, (17), 379–387. https://doi.org/10.14746/pss.2019.17.26


Yavorov Year of Mourning by Mikhail Nedelchev is a ritual book dedicated to the most scorching deadly love affair in the history of the Bulgarian intelligentsia. This text is not a traditional literary-historical one, but an intimate reconstruction of the intolerable tragedy of the pre-death Yavorov year. It is argued that the poet’s being is not in the world, it is a being in and with death. The superconsciousness of death is an intimate experience for Yavorov, an act of insight.


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