Psychological tests in practice and research

Current Issue

No. 1 (2021)
Published 2021 June 29

The journal prints scientific papers on psychological tests and other research tools. It is also devoted to the study of the process of assessment and its context, as well as to the analysis of the results of psychological measurement tools. The journal combines knowledge from the fields of psychology and psychometrics. The journal is addressed to psychologists employed in various departments of applied psychology, academics, students, and representatives of related disciplines interested in the latest developments in psychology.
The journal presents up-to-date knowledge on assessment, complementing textbook publications. It promotes good morals in the field of diagnosis, paying attention to the legal and ethical aspects of psychological assessment. Articles are accepted for publication on the basis of reviewers' opinions, according to the procedure outlined.
Every year, hundreds of studies using commercial and/or proprietary psychological diagnostic tools are conducted at Polish universities to educate psychologists. Among them, there are many valuable and worth publishing works, also because of their practical usefulness. Encouraging their authors to publish not only increases their competencies but also builds the belief that their work counts, that it is important for people from outside the dyad: graduate student-supervisor. Publications in the journal may allow other people to access ready-made proprietary tools or Polish adaptations of foreign tools. The article is a quick and permanent way to share interesting results and reflections with the psychological community.
We assume that the process of examining the accuracy of psychological tools (tests) continues throughout the use of a given tool and practically does not end. That is why we are interested in the results of tests in various groups, as well as correlates of test results and sharing practical experiences in the area of ​​diagnosis. The journal is open to psychological practice and cooperation with other academic centers.
We want to act in this way for the benefit of the environment, especially psychological practice, and to create conditions for the comprehensive development of students and doctoral students. We hope that the publications in the journal will have a positive impact on the practice of psychological assessment and its teaching.

PKP Index; Google Scholar; WorldCat

Ministry of Education and Science (2024): 0

DOI: 10.14746/tppb
e-ISSN: 2449-9072

Licencja Creative Commons
Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International


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